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Who is Dominate the Dish Softball


      Crazy enough there is only one person running this whole show. My name is Kirsten Cox and I’m the owner of Dominate The Dish Softball. I’m originally from Lima, Ohio. Well for those familiar with the area I'm actually from Spencerville. Crazy right? Graduated high school in 2007 then I attended Indiana Institute of Technology for my first 2 years of college then transferred down to Eckerd College. Eckerd College is located in beautiful St. Petersburg, Florida as a Division 2 school in the Sunshine State Conference. I received my Masters Degree in Coaching and Athletic Administration from Concordia University Irvine in Irvine, California in 2018. I am a 1-star NFCA member, ABCA member, and a "regular" attendee at CatcherCon. 2021 I was the first female to speak at CatcherCon. Forever grateful for the relationships that I have developed through these organizations listed above.


I was a left-handed catcher by trade that had her heart set on becoming a college softball coach one day. Long story short, I failed. Actually failed a few times. I left 4 months after I took a GA position in West Virginia when I was 23. I tried again at 26, by uprooting to move to Iowa to coach at a Division 3 school. I quit less than 8 months into the position and moved back to Florida. Although I was coaching at the college level, I didn’t feel very fulfilled from the terms of actually working with athletes. As many know that college coaches are only allowed to spend so many hours a week in the team setting. That wasn't my cup of tea. I settled back into Florida in 2017 and spent many hours in the Jeep driving to local softball fields to train both hitters and catchers. In 2018, I opened up a small facility that was approximately 600 square feet of usable space. I also continued to travel around the Tampa Bay area providing lessons at local ball fields in the process. While playing Dora the Explorer in the Jeep, I have also coached at the high school level as well as travel ball up to 2016. 


Fast forward to today…


I operate a 2,000 square foot facility located in Brandon, Florida just outside of Tampa that specializes in catching. Early 2020, I dumped the individual lesson dynamic into group only training and haven’t looked back since. Its helped create a competitive environment that is second to none. We focus on mobility, basic strength, arm care, arm strengthening, and skill set. We aren’t your typical training facility. As mentioned, we don’t do the individual lesson model, we work in a layout that is a pre-planned workout that may take 90 to 120 minutes. However there is individual freedom given within the layout. My biggest training philosophy is giving the athletes freedom to fail and growth. This layout allows that without a doubt as well as accountability on me and the catchers. Not only is this available to locals to the Tampa Bay area but also catchers around the country as the facility is located fairly close to the beautiful Florida beaches (40 minutes pending traffic)


Not only do I operate a training facility and train catchers but I’m also a college catching consultant. Basically, there is a huge lack of “solid” catching coaches in the college realm. Usually, it’s the pitching or hitting coach taking over that role. That’s all well and good but when a coach gets spread thin across many different roles someone usually takes the hit and it's almost always CATCHERS. That’s where I come in. I help provide weekly catching drill work as well as analyze game/scrimmage film. I’m the nerd behind the scenes. Schools that I have assisted with in some sort of capacity are Georgia Tech, Duke, Mississippi State, Viterbo, Santa Fe, Washington, Tennessee State, St. Scholastica, NIACC, UW- Eau Claire, and Bluefield State baseball and the list will grow in 2024. It's truly amazing to turn on ESPN+ and see the fruits of the labor come to fruition.


Enough about what I do feel free to roam around this website as well as the Dominate The Dish Softball social media platforms. Don’t forget to check out all the services Dominate The Dish provides and lets get to work!

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